Focus on Person not on Disability.

Khalil Ali
Khalil has Down Syndrome, the 22 years old he is now one of our staff working in Gashbun center. By 2014 he had moved to Domiz1 camp for Syrian refugees after the evacuation of the Syrian people from the north and north-east of Syria.. He loved Gashbun center in Domiz1 camp after had seen the interesting activities, during his participation we.. discovered that he is talented.. He was. included into intensified literacy courses and in spite of his speech challenges he can write and read, but he didn’t stop from this as we found out that he wants to use the sewing machines.. Because of his being interested in sewing, a special tutor was allocated to teach him the skills of sewing, he is now using the sewing machine properly and can sew and make simple dresses and Gashbun is proud of this success story

Rebaz Jundi


Dilkhaz was one of our beneficiary since the Syrian crisis happened which led him flee to KRG he moved to Domiz1 camp and settled there, he was visiting Gashbun center in daily base participating in physiotherapy individual sessions, but he was keen on music and interested in recreational activity, fortunately he was able to express his feeling within music and singing with his nice voice, he is one of our success story.
Now he has become able to participates in national and international events presenting songs with his small and humble music group

Mohammed Boby

Mohammed Boby ( the one with the music instrument” Tamboura”)can be shown as the good success story of Gashbun center in Domiz1 camp of the Syrian refugee, he was one of our case and now is one of our employee, he is the guard of the center.