Community Awareness Raising

Community Raise Awareness

This activity will target directly parents\caregiver children with disability and specific needs and other community members. Center manager   and parents\caregivers support are important to support family in caring for their children. Center manager will conduct sessions to the parents\caregivers of children with disabilities to collect information to inform the assessment, throughout the sessions the allocated staff will identify the real needs of their children while they assess and verify the parent/caregivers’ participation, behaviors and wellbeing of the child and the family, refer the child and its parents/ caregivers to the competent services for additional assistance.


  • Identify children and families the most in need or at-risk of protection concerns
  • Support caregivers to better care for their children
  • Make the suitable referrals to meet the needs for families and children
  • Contribute to the reduction of isolation of families


  • Attending parents and caregivers in the center
  • Assessment of needs and wellbeing;
  • awareness sessions at the center
  • Media and social media
  • Campaigns
  • Leaflets